We’re constantly bombarded with data so that we can stay informed about so much. Are you really going to grow your vegetables and fruits, or grow anything at all, using soil for which you have zero information? What if the pH needs adjusting? What if vital nutrients are immobilized? What amount of fertilizer is needed to get the best results? Soil Health Test Kits give you the knowledge to grow! Plus, they’re convenient because they arrive with materials and instructions to collect and send your soil sample for testing. And you send the soil sample using the original shipping box to reduce waste!
Soil Health Test Kits provide you with the information you need to confidently know that you’re growing your vegetables and fruits using clean, nutrient-rich, living healthy soil; ultimately enhancing soil sustainability and overall plant performance. We grouped them as “vegetables and fruits” but realistically these are applicable to any number of crops being grown at any scale. Whether you’re a sprouting new gardener, or a seasoned professional, we can help you dig deeper into the health of your soil. Purchasing one or more of our Soil Health Test Kits is an investment in your future soil health; kits can save you effort, time, and most importantly resources and money!
Carbon-neutral expedited shipping is included in the price of Soil Health Test Kits.
Home Garden Soil Health Test Kit
- pH
- Buffer pH (if pH <6.1)
- Organic Matter
- Texture
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Sodium
- Total Salts (EC – Electrical Conductivity)
- Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
- Percent Base Saturation
- Wet Aggregate Stability
Includes lime and fertilizer recommendations.
$93.00$93.00Add to cart
Basic Soil Health Test Kit
- pH
- Buffer pH (if pH <6.1)
- Organic Matter
- Texture
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Calcium
See More
- Magnesium
- Sulphur
- Aluminum
- Copper
- Iron
- Manganese
- Sodium
- Zinc
- Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
- Percent Base Saturation
- Wet Aggregate Stability
Includes OMAFRA recommendations.
$77.00$77.00Add to cart
Intermediate Soil Health Test Kit
- pH
- Buffer pH (if pH <6.1)
- Organic Matter
- Texture
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Calcium
See More
- Magnesium
- Sulphur
- Aluminum
- Boron
- Copper
- Iron
- Manganese
- Sodium
- Zinc
- Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
- Percent Base Saturation
- Total Salts (EC – Electrical Conductivity)
- Wet Aggregate Stability
$83.00$83.00Add to cart
Advanced Soil Health Test Kit
- pH
- Buffer pH (if pH <6.1)
- Organic Matter
- Texture
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
See More
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Sulphur
- Aluminum
- Boron
- Chloride
- Copper
- Iron
- Manganese
- Sodium
- Zinc
- Active Carbon
- Soil Microbial Respiration
- Total Salts (EC – Electrical Conductivity)
- Wet Aggregate Stability
- Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
- Percent Base Saturation
- NH4
- NO3
- Potentially Mineralizable Nitrogen
$115.00$115.00Add to cart
New Garden Soil Health Test Kit
- pH
- Buffer pH (if pH <6.1)
- Active Carbon
- Organic Matter
- Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
- Texture
See More
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Sulphur
- Sodium
- Total Salts (EC – Electrical Conductivity)
$85.00$85.00Add to cart
Carbon Drawdown (GHG) Soil Health Test Kit
- pH
- Buffer pH (if pH <6.1)
- Organic Matter
- Texture
- Active Carbon
- Wet Aggregate Stability
- Total Organic Carbon
$85.00$85.00Add to cart
Living Soil Health Test Kit
- pH
- Organic Matter
- Active Carbon
- Bacterial Total Biomass
- Fungal Total Biomass
- B:F Ratio
- Protozoa Total Biomass
- Nematode Total Biomass
$112.00$112.00Add to cart
Complete Living Soil Health Test Kit
- pH
- Organic Matter
- Active Carbon
- Soil Microbial Respiration
- Bacterial Total Biomass
- Bacteria Type
See More
- Fungal Total Biomass
- Fungi Type
- B:F Ratio
- Protozoa Total Biomass
- Protozoa Type (morphological classification)
- Nematode Total Biomass
- Nematode Type (morphological classification)
$131.00$131.00Add to cart
Compost Tea Soil Health Test Kit
- pH
- Dry Matter
- Bacterial Total Biomass
- Fungal Total Biomass
- B:F Ratio
- Protozoa Total Biomass
- Nematode Total Biomass
$92.00$92.00Add to cart